Friday, March 11, 2011

Treasure the Karoo Action Group challenges PASA


Cape Town, South Africa, March 10th, 2011

Treasure the Karoo Action Group challenges PASA

According to Reuters, (March 8th) The CEO of Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA), has stated that his organisation envisages about three or four licensing rounds between now (March) and the end of next year.

PASA is responsible for receiving and evaluating applications for exploration and mining rights and is generally perceived to be the body approving or denying applications.

Treasure the Karoo Action Group (TKAG) coordinator, Jonathan Deal responded by saying:

“It is premature and irresponsible of PASA to make this statement. It gives the impression that they have already decided to grant licences.”

“This seems particularly reckless, given that most people in the small towns and farms of the Karoo have not been informed of the dramatic effect hydraulic fracturing for methane gas (fracking) could have on their livelihoods and health. It is riding roughshod over people’s lives – including the poorest of the poor.”

“Thousands in the Karoo and the rest of the country who are aware of what it might mean have shown massive opposition to hydraulic fracturing (fracking).”
 “It is inconceivable that PASA is unaware of this.”

PASA is in possession of a formal written objection from TKAG dealing with the application of Falcon Oil & Gas. “We are presently researching the draft EMP document of Shell Oil, and have briefed counsel in preparation of litigation on behalf of all interested and affected parties who oppose hydraulic fracturing. The future of South Africa with regard to hydraulic fracturing cannot be unilaterally decided before, and even after, our objections have been fully considered. We will fight this at every level in every available forum,” concluded Deal.

·         About TKAG – Treasure the Karoo Action group has emerged as the co-ordinating body, representative of a broad range of stakeholders who are concerned with the plans of Oil and Mining companies to extract shale gas from the Karoo basin. Popular support can be followed and joined on Facebook and at the web address

·  FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact Jonathan Deal 
and telephone 076-838-5150  and 023 358 9902.
Please quote ref: TKAG002/3/11


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